David Shepherd is a wildlife charity who required a website that sold artwork and allowed customers to make donations. There were a number of interesting challenges including, creating a seamless checkout process, allow for donations, displaying the various sizes of artwork properly, a filtering system and ensuring the site was performant.
The end result was a site that provided a feast for the eyes, allowing users to browse and purchase from the fantastic array of artwork on offer. The viewing experience of the site was a joy and the checkout process was smooth.
The website was never launched due to a change in circumstances with the client but nonetheless it provided a fantastic challenge and learning experience on how to create beautiful eCommerce websites.
The end result was a site that provided a feast for the eyes, allowing users to browse and purchase from the fantastic array of artwork on offer. The viewing experience of the site was a joy and the checkout process was smooth.
The website was never launched due to a change in circumstances with the client but nonetheless it provided a fantastic challenge and learning experience on how to create beautiful eCommerce websites.