Redux basics and how to visualise it Learn the basics and nuances of Redux by learning a helpful visual metaphor.
Introduction to unit testing, test driven development Get an introduction into test driven development and unit testing to create more robust, maintainable products.
Functional programming basics before you learn react and redux – the how – part 2 Ease your way into React and Redux by learning how to implement functional programming in your code.
Functional programming basics before you learn react and redux – the what – part 1 Ease your way into React and Redux by learning what functional programming is and why it's so great.
An overview of TypeScript The composition pattern serves as a more robust, reusable method of writing software, and is almost always preferred to the inheritance pattern.
Imperative vs declartive programming Learn how and why writing declarative code will make you a better software engineer.
Software composition: functions An insight into how functions can be written with intention for better software composition.
Composition vs Inheritance The composition pattern serves as a more robust, reusable method of writing software, and is almost always preferred to the inheritance pattern.